Case study: Mental Health Clinical Practice Camp at Wollongong University

    • Case studies


The Mental Health Clinical Practice Camp is an intensive clinical practice experience in which students from a range of health profession programs spend a week at an outdoor camp with consumers who are undergoing treatment for mental health problems, and is otherwise known as ‘Recovery Camp’. The camp takes place at Camp Yarramundi, a YMCA outdoor education camp. The camp was designed to address a range of challenges in clinical placements, including the limited availability of nursing placements, and a need to provide students with a holistic experience and understanding of the implications of clinical behaviour and mental health problems on patient lives. The camp has now been running for two years and in 2014 included students from nursing, psychology, and dietetics. In 2015, medical students will also be able to apply to take part in the camp.

Delivery format
Each year, students go through an expression of interest process to gain entry to the program. The one week intensive residential program accounts for 80 hours of clinical experience for students who are required to undertake clinical placements as part of their degree. Camp facilitators and clinical staff develop and deliver an active learning program intended to provide students with an immersive learning experience.

The aim of this program is to support students to develop a greater appreciation and understanding of the lived experience of people who have a mental illness. Consumers and students collaboratively participate in therapeutic recreation activities such as bush craft, tie dye, initiative and problem solving games, Tai Chi, trivia, camp fire story-telling and also therapeutic groups. Therapeutic groups may include topics such as nutrition and exercise, coping with anxiety, distress tolerance, mindfulness and relaxation. Consumers are also encouraged to educate students on the experiences of living with a mental illness.

Students carry out standard tasks as required by clinical assessment at degree level, but also meet with consumers to discuss clinical diagnoses, interacting medical conditions and the impact of medication. They also work across professions to understand the interacting implications of multiple professional interventions, and to devise strategies to integrate treatment plans.

Feedback and assessment
Feedback is an intrinsic and continuous process during the camp, as indicated above. Formal student assessment is carried out in line with the national standards for the relevant disciplines. For example, nursing students are assessed via the standard portfolio of competence assessments by registered nurses. Observations of required practice competencies, combined with presentations, consumer feedback and critical self-review form the basis of the assessment activity.

The camp requires significant organisation and logistical management, with fundraising, advertising and information sessions for students and consumers, expression of interest processes, buses for students and consumers, and the myriad of administrative management tasks such as insurance, budgets, arranging extras and payments.

Much of this work is supported by the Camp Yarramundi staff who interact with the supervisors to plan and run a structured set of therapeutic recreation activities. Altogether, the camp costs around $25,000 per year to run. Although the camp also represents a saving on the normal nursing clinical placement fees, it is fully self-funded and each year the team seeks sponsorship for contributions to the program. Over the past two years, awards and grants have provided funding and in 2014, the NSW Ministry for Health provided major sponsorship.

This is an immersive, levelling and transformational experience for staff, students and consumers. Although it requires a significant amount of work from the staff involved, the outcomes for both consumers and students have been demonstrably life-changing. Students not only gain the clinical practice experience they require, but they also gain a deep understanding of the personal challenges faced by consumers with multiple mental health and other medical conditions, as well as the impact of the behaviours of clinicians on their health and wellbeing.

The experience goes beyond straightforward competence to engage students in a process that unpacks misconceptions, develops empathy and meaningful therapeutic relationships, and deepens capacity of students to engage with people as well as symptoms. As one student describes it, ‘The camp exemplifies nursing best practice by applying the holistic model of person centred care in conjunction with the strengths based recovery model of care. For me, no other previous clinical placement had achieved this learning outcome in such a significant manner’ (Student, 2014).

Consumers find the experience to be one in which they are equal partners in a process of discovery, and are able to express their experiences and take part in challenges that are as challenging for staff and students. It is ‘the adventure of a lifetime’ (Consumer participant, 2014).

More information
Awarded Major Partnerships in Wellbeing Award for 2013 by Australian College of Mental Health Nurses:

See also “Back to nature: the healing power of recovery camp:



Key characteristics
Clinical placement, inter-professional, one week intensive, practical assessment
Student numbers: up to 30


Professor Lorna Moxham
[email_link email=””]Email Lorna[/email_link]
Dr Susan Sumskis
[email_link email=””]Email Susan[/email_link]
Chris Patterson [email_link email=””]Email Chris[/email_link]
Renee Brighton [email_link email=””]Email Renee[/email_link]
Ellie Taylor [email_link email=” “]Email Ellie[/email_link]
