The capstone survey

The capstone survey is now closed. Thank you to all those who participated – we received a stunning response rate from across the tertiary sector and will post the summary results on the website later this year. If you would like to be sent a copy or notified when this happens, please let us know via email. You can also still contribute case studies or tools by contacting us directly or using the case study form.

Information about the survey

For the purposes of this study, a capstone is very broadly defined as a significant, culminating and assessed learning experience within a qualification, although it may also be non-credit bearing. Capstones are likely to implicitly or explicitly focus on providing students with an opportunity to integrate and apply prior learning, and to support the transition to professional life or post-graduate studies. It may be called a capstone, a final year project or dissertation, depending on the country and nature of the curriculum.

While the overall study is primarily concerned with capstone models in undergraduate programs, capstones at diploma, associate degree or masters’ level are also considered relevant.

We asked a wide range of questions regarding:
– Institutional and professional contexts
– Place in the program, length and weighting
– Curriculum structure and focus
– Methods of delivery and support
– Assessment processes and deliverables
– Priority learning outcomes and goals
– Significant challenges and benefits
– Professional development needs

The survey was hosted on an external site within a survey tool called Qualtrics and intended to provide a detailed set of data regarding the nature of capstone curriculum as well as the perspectives of staff on the goals, benefits and challenges they experience. You can get a copy of the ethical approval information statement here.